
Wakefield Golf Club

Course Status

Standard: COURSE OPEN Stage 2. 16 holes in play. (1-8) (11-17) finish on 9th. Motorised trolleys must have winter wheels. Single seater buggies adhere to buggy route. Preferred lies

Our Professional

Head Professional Adam Durie has recently updated the Professional Shop and now offers some of the most desirable brands for ladies, gents and juniors alike. We stock both fashion and technical clothing as well offering custom club fitting and custom fit carts. We are stockists of the industry leading brands offering a fantastic service to the members but also to visitors and guests.

Adam offers golf lessons to all, from beginners to elite, ladies, gents and juniors.

If you would anymore information or would like to book a lesson with Adam please don't hesitate to get in contact

Proshop - 01924 258778 ext 2

Mobile - 07885448567

Email -

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